Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Self-Made Man

By: Paul Hewitt with Jane Warren

This is a very interesting in-depth recounting of one woman's journey to becoming a man both inside and out. If you have been wondering what goes through the mind of a woman who thinks or believes she is a he and is trapped inside a woman's body, the book bares all.

In fairness to her, she tried to be a woman and even had boyfriends but she came to a point when she felt she is destroying her identity by forcing herself to seem one when her mind is gravitating to the wants and needs of a man.

From her struggles to fit in a woman's world to her process of embracing the person who wants to emerge from a woman's body, Self-Made Man narrates the stage by stage debut of Paul Hewitt who has an identical twin sister and they are both beautiful and well-endowed on the chest. She gave it all up for a psychological certificate that she is in fact a man, male hormone treatments, and a double mastectomy to complete the desired masculine look. Reading Paul's diary, I found myself feeling sad of the pains and sufferings he had to go through and laughing of his experiences while doing the sex change.

When I bought the book, I only glanced at the title and thought I'll be reading another Og Mandino inspiring story. I didn't know it was literally about a woman making herself into a man. But, I'm glad I read it because I became more understanding of lesbians. They are not as freaky as most straight people think. They are still human beings deserving of respect and equal rights from fellow human beings. In all honesty, it washed away the iffiness I've always felt towards lesbians. I have a sister who is one and ever since that book, I can only think of her as my sister who happens to have a different orientation of her sexuality. She also tried very hard to be feminine but it was all very awkward until she chose to be who she really is...and that is being a he.

Publisher: Trafalgar Square Publishing
ISBN-10: 0747249989
ISBN-13: 978-0747249986
First Printing: 1997

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Who Moved My Cheese?

By: Dr. Spencer Johnson

This short parable of two mice and two mouse-like beings is the most entertaining and not-in-your-face kind of reading that imparts value and self-reflection on dealing with change.

Starting with a group of former classmates after a highschool reunion, one started to talk about life after highschool and where they are now. Everybody agreed each had to cope with unexpected changes and so the guy who started the discussion talked about the parable of the cheese, two mice and two mouse-like beings.

The characters in the parable represent four different kinds of individuals in the face of change. We all know change constantly happens but how do we deal with it? By knowing how we react to change, the better we will be to cope with what's happening around us and take that opportunity to step up.

It is so simple and obvious yet a lot are stubborn to accept change. If you are in a business setting, spotting people who would be crucial to be with you in times of major changes will be a plus on your side. Even in your personal life like relationships, "smelling" change is just around a corner helps prepare you to deal with this in advance.

The nuggets of learning highlighted are simple reminders of perseverance and hope. They are practical and doable. The book is massively successful that it even beget products supplementing the book. Who Moved My Cheese is for everyone and if you are one who is particularly tired of keeping up and wants to be ahead of the game, this book is definitely for you.

Publisher: Vermilion
ISBN-10: 0091816971
ISBN-13: 978-0091816971
First Printing: 1999

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Confessions of a Shopaholic

By: Sophie Kinsella

A truly hilarious, easy-to-read chick lit by the fabulous Sophie Kinsella. Any girl who has the urge to shop can relate to Becky Bloomwood's line of reasoning "why I have to buy it now."

As incredible as it is to believe, there are real people out there who would be in a more serious deep-shit than Becky. "Stupid," one may think but it's true!

I like Sophie's style of writing...simple, direct and natural. The exaggerated scenarios are truly page gripping while entertaining. There are countless times I wanted to shake Becky because of the trouble she's getting herself into. As a credit card user myself and having been hounded by two banks, I know how scary and embarassing it would be to be black-listed by banks.

What would one get out from reading this book? Well, apart from amusement, a sense of self-restraint when it comes to impulsive buying. It is not always funny to be in debt over credit cards. You may also find yourself frustrated over the things Becky gets herself into. As a college graduate and a finance journalist, you'd think there's more sense in her but the author is clever enough to point out that in the real world, there are such educated people putting themselves in the bank's wanted list...only, not all gets the saving grace Becky gets.

Publisher: Dial Press Trade Paperback
ISBN-10: 0385335482
ISBN-13: 978-0385335485
First Printing: 2001

Monday, February 2, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

By: Greg Behrendt & Liz Tuccillo

Here's a no-holds-barred advice to women who are still justifying the (in)actions of the guys they like but not getting their proper attention. It’s like a He Says, She Says compilation with a dose of psychoanalysis from both parties.

It is a fun read, not offensive, and full of sound tips on how to end up with Mr Right. More than that, there are counsels that will leave women empowered with a little bit of morale boosting on the side. The book will make women realize that when a man is not showing great interest, it only means they are not the right partner to end up with. Or, like in the marketing business, you are the product and when the market is not responding to the product, it means they are not the target market.

The layout is interesting in that it is not purely paragraph by paragraph sort of reading. There are also icons denoting points of interest and then there are also some boxes of Q&As, as if somebody wrote in a question and was added in the last minute of publication. The assemblage conveys honesty from the authors and if you’re one of those women who are still stuck with a guy who is not interested in you at all, then you will feel that the book is talking to you. You may see yourself guilty in every scenario presented within the Q&A.

Personally, I was on the verge of initiating a reconciliation with my ex when a friend told me to read this book first. When I did (in just one sitting, it really gripped me), I totally trashed the idea of even giving him a call. Two years later, I met my fiancĂ© and I couldn’t have found a better match for myself. So, the book speaks the truth!

Publisher: Simon Spotlight Entertainment
ISBN-10: 068987474X
ISBN-13: 978-0689874741
First Printing: 2004